
Tuesday 22 December 2015

Southern Pleasure by Kaylee Ryan

Title: Southern Pleasure
Author: Kaylee Ryan
Genre: New Adult Romance
 Release Date: December 22, 2015


They tell you that a parent’s love is all consuming. I never put much thought into it. Not until the minute I heard her take her first breath. That little girl is my world. I’d do anything to protect her.

My ex signed over her rights and her family vowed that my daughter didn’t exist. Now that she’s gone, they want my little girl. They’re trying to say I can’t give her what she needs.

I’ve known Evan all my life. Our families farms run parallel with each other. He and my brother Aaron have been best friends for as long as I can remember.

What they’re trying to do is wrong. He needs my help, someone he can trust and I’m more than happy to do it. I volunteered without hesitation.

I should have thought about what it would be like to have our lives intertwined. I should have thought about what would happen when our time together ended and how my heart would feel when I had to walk away.

I received a ARC in exchange for a honest review.
4.5* read.
I have read past books from this author and loved them so I was looking forward to this one. This was a bit different to her normal books with its more serious tone and its real emotional story that took you on a journey and kept you gripped throughout. Evan and Kinley were so sweet and the relationship they had and how it developed certainly pulled on my heartstrings. Evan is her brothers best friend and when Evans life is upturned Kinley is there for him and their relationship grows from the just friendship. I loved them together and I loved how Evan was and how he dealt with everything that happened.
Great read I look forward to future books from this author. 
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Author Bio

Kaylee Ryan has had a passion for reading since she was a little girl. That passion has slowly led to spinning romantic tales, and a one-click addiction. When she doesn’t have her nose stuck in her kindle or fingers glued to the keyboard, you can find Kaylee hanging out with friends and family. She loves all genres of music, and enjoys scrapbooking. She lives in Ohio with her husband (her real life happily ever after) and their rambunctious little boy.

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